Supporting the Cultivation of Journalism Talents in Greater China

We sponsored the "2023 Campus News Wards" organised by China Daily to support the cultivation of outstanding journalistic talents and promote mutual exchange among journalism students from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. This year's awards received participation from 84 renowned universities across the four regions, with over 3,600 students submitting nearly 1,200 entries. A total of 144 students attended the award ceremony.

In addition, we provided the award-winning students with a unique jewellery journey, taking them to visit the Shunde Ingenuity Centre of Chow Tai Fook. They appreciated Chinese craftsmanship and experienced the vibrant atmosphere of the Greater Bay Area.

Supporting Research on the Digital Economy

Chow Tai Fook is actively involved in the research and development of the digital economy. In alignment with national strategic planning, the company has provided financial support for the establishment of the Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Research Center at the Shenzhen Research Institute of the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. On 12 January 2024, Mr. Chen Yubo, the Party Secretary of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, Ms. Feng Juan, the Director of the Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Research Center at the Shenzhen Research Institute, and Mr. Che Pinjue, an independent director of Chow Tai Fook, jointly unveiled the donation plaque for the center.

On the same day, the Tsinghua School of Economics and Management held the Greater Bay Area Digital Economy Forum, where several experts and scholars delivered keynote speeches. Mr. Che Pinjue gave a speech titled "Seizing Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area: Insights from the Top Ten International Events." He emphasised that the top ten international events in digital transformation in 2023 demonstrate the equilibrium between the development of artificial intelligence and regulations, and also highlighted the integration of the digital economy into top-level management.

HK$ 34,500,000
Total amount of donations in FY2024
Hours of volunteer service in FY2024

Chow Tai Fook Global Volunteer Team supports charity activity and actively participates in community services. We are committed not only to fulfilling corporate social responsibilities, but also to encouraging employee participation, promoting volunteer spirit, and fostering positive values, thereby enhancing staff wellness.

Through our passion and care for the community, we strengthen the bond among our colleagues and give full play to team spirit. By participating in and organising various volunteer activities, we aim to support and collaborate in building a harmonious society.

Our Initiatives

  • We supported the tree planting programme of the SEE Foundation in Alxa Desert to reduce the threat of desert dust storms and create a more hospitable environment in arid regions.
  • We supported “Let's T.A.L.K. Child Protection Campaign 2023“ with the aim of raising awareness of child protection in society.
  • For the eighth consecutive year, the Group has sponsored the Youth Charity Walk. The event was held on 18 November 2023 at the Kao Kun Convention Center Plaza of the Science Park.
  • Golden Techniques II: Art of the Chinese Goldsmiths
  • The UNICEF Charity Run was successfully held on 5 November 2023 at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Sunny Bay. More than 100 colleagues from Chow Tai Fook actively took part, with the Corporate Relay Team winning third place in the Men's Relay.
  • Our volunteer team visited underprivileged communities with gifts and festive goodie bags.