Feature stories

HUÁ Collection
In a pioneering collaboration with Shaanxi History Museum and Northwestern Polytechnical University, the latest pieces in the HUÁ Collection are inspired by traditional gold crafting techniques, from carving to beadwork, as well as patterns that evoke the splendour of the Tang Dynasty.
DEI Pilot Workshop
We believe that promoting diversity, equality and inclusion is crucial in a workplace. We put this into action with a pilot workshop that focused on building inclusivity. It allowed team members to gain a better understanding of inclusive employment practices, as well as enhancing their communication and collaboration skills when interacting with Persons with Differences (PWD).
Supporting the Cultivation of Journalism Talents in Greater China
We sponsored the "2023 Campus News Wards" organised by China Daily Hong Kong to support the cultivation of outstanding journalistic talents and promote mutual exchange among journalism students from the Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan of China.
Supplier Risk Management
We monitor our suppliers’ performance and risks on an ongoing basis. In respect of raw material suppliers, we are continuously strengthening our due diligence mechanism and risk assessment criteria to address Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas (“CAHRAs”) and anti-money laundering risks. In FY2024, we conducted due diligence on 85 of our active diamond suppliers, covering 96% of active suppliers, accompanied by relevant training and ongoing monitoring.
Gold Recycling to Promote Circularity
Chow Tai Fook Jewellery has been partnering with a leading gold refining plant in China since 2022 to refine recycled gold by harnessing advanced automation technology. The major sources of gold for refining come from our value chain. Refined gold is delivered to our production hubs for manufacturing and processing, enabling a closed-loop system: a form of circularity. At present, our annual gold refining capacity is 35 tonnes, equivalent to a reduction of about 1,000 tonnes of CO2e GHG emissions.